Win 95 / 98 Dialup Setup.
This page is for setting your dial-up connection to PIP. This also presumes you have dialup networking installed.
1. On your desktop go to "My Computer" and open it. You should then see something like below.
2. Double clicking on the "Dailup Networking" icon will produce the below.
3. Next open "Make New Connection". Which will open up the below. Enter the details as shown but make sure you have your modem as the one showing.
4. Click on the "Next" button. Use the image below as your guidline.
5. Once you have done that, click on the "Next" button.
6. You should now have the above image. If this image is showing you have successfully created a new dailup connection. Click on the "Finish" to complete the process.
The images below are a couple of extra settings for your connection. Select your new "PIP" icon and "right" mouse click over it. Go to "properties" and folow the images below. Your settings should look like below.